Quirky, Professional, Imaginative, and Original
Those are words I have heard people use to describe my work and my personality. Art is my first language.
Invoking the 'happy' in people is my goal, assisting other humans to lead lives surrounded by things that bring joy and inspiration. I also believe if you can dream it, you can accomplish it. Creating stories with words and pictures is my thing. As well as giving you the opportunity to purchase my original artworks and copies of my picture books, I offer mentorships so I can help you release your inner awesomeness.
Please dive into my website and see if I have something here that suits you.

© 2021 Licuala Studio Designs. Proudly created with Wix.com
Snippets of what I do and how I work...
Images are clickable links...
Fine Art
Works on canvas, paper, &
3 dimensional
Photo realism to Semi Abstract,
Watercolour to Oils,
Flat work to 3 dimensional artist books.
I love to create and mix it up, always trying something new whilst building my brand and unique style.
I have always had a love of patterns, line, and colour. How these images fit together in harmonious ways, and how images that traditionally oppose each other can sit side by side in an electric yet harmonious juxtaposition.
Something I am working on
Surface pattern design
Work for children and adults
My inner 4 year old is the writer I look to when writing for children... I always use a pencil.
If I use anything else, pen, computer, I am writing for an adult audience. I also write on commission for magazines.
My irregular mind wanderings will contain information on exciting new design collections, new creations, upcoming art exhibitions, gifts, and discounts that only subscribers will have access to. .. I will most likely be asking for your advice too. I welcome your input, please feel free to respond by return email.
I will never sell your information - ever.
And I promise not to spam your inbox with unwanted emails.
You can opt out any time you like.